Spectrum Edmonton
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Experienced Family Lawyers in Edmonton
Who We Are
We are a boutique family law firm proudly providing our clients with the full spectrum of family law services relating to separation and divorce, helping you resolve disputes through collaborative law, negotiation, mediation, or litigation.
Located in Edmonton, we serve clients across central and northern Alberta.
Compassionate Family Lawyers in Edmonton
Spectrum Family Law is one of Edmonton’s most trusted family law firms. Our top-rated family lawyers have the expertise, compassion and experience to help you move forward with your family matters.
What We Do
Dedicated to serving clients with multi-faceted, high-value business, family, and/or personal financial interests, Spectrum Family Law LLP is one of Alberta’s most trusted family law firms. We’ll expertly and compassionately guide you through this sensitive time and help you navigate the intricacies of family law, make sound, constructive decisions, and arrive at solutions uniquely tailored to help you and your family get on with life.
Our philosophy is simple: help people get through a difficult time in life with care, compassion, and with practical and effective legal guidance.
Edmonton Family Lawyers
Choosing to enter or leave a family arrangement is one of the most significant decisions of your life. Whether you’re laying the foundation for a new family relationship or experiencing a relationship breakdown, it’s a serious, often challenging and complex matter, particularly for those with significant family income and assets and high net worth.
Spectrum Law is one of Alberta’s most trusted family law firms. Our top-rated family lawyers have the expertise, compassion and experience to help you move forward with your family matters.
We will guide you through the separation and divorce process with sound advice and advocacy. Optimize your separation and divorce outcomes both financially and emotionally by engaging Spectrum Family Law early in the ending of your spousal relationship.
Spectrum Law provides both alternative dispute resolution and litigation services across the entire spectrum of family law, including: child custody, guardianship, and parenting arrangements; child support and spousal support; property division and debt resolution; surrogacy and fertility rights; cohabitation, marriage (prenuptial), and property agreements; separation and divorce; and negotiation, mediation, arbitration and other innovative conflict resolution processes.
Our family lawyers bring to you our strategic perspective, comprehensive expertise, caring, collaborative approach and progressive practices. Our commitment is to help you to fully resolve your family matters and move forward to a healthy new future.
Our Edmonton Family Lawyers have over 15+ years of experience, you can feel confident you will receive quality legal counsel.
To guide you through this difficult time, we provide legal advice you can trust from knowledgeable lawyers.
We put our clients first. Regardless of the legal matter, we work tirelessly to achieve exceptional outcomes for our clients.
Successful Cases
Primary Caregiver Case
Description: Our client (Dad) wanted to obtain an order for shared parenting. The mom had been restricted due to allegations of substance abuse. The child had been wrongfully withheld in another province by the opposing party. The opposing party had also made unfounded allegations of sexual assault of our client.
Result: We secured the return of the child from the opposing party and represented our client both on the criminal and family law side. Sexual assault charges were dropped and the client has now been the primary caregiver for the children for several years.
Child Custody Access, Matrimonial Property, and Restraining Order Case
Description: Opposing party (Mom) obtained an order for sole custody, day to day care of the children, exclusive possession of the matrimonial home and a restraining order against our client (Dad).
Result: Successful litigation in achieving our client’s stated objectives. Negotiated and modified the order for exclusive possession of the matrimonial home to allow our client (Dad) to exercise some or all of his access with the children, unsupervised at the matrimonial home and setting aside the restraining order.
Connect With Us
Due to the emotionally charged nature of family law cases, it is important to have an objective advocate assist you. The lawyers at Spectrum Family Law can provide you with practical solutions so that you can get through this difficult time in a cost-effective manner.
Although it is always preferable to negotiate a resolution of the issues arising out of a separation, our lawyers are prepared to go to court when necessary to ensure your rights are respected.
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General Inquiries
How Can We Help You?
Are you facing a divorce and don’t know where to turn? Our team of experienced Edmonton divorce lawyers at Spectrum Family Law can provide you with the personal guidance you need during this difficult time.
Child custody and child access are frequently contentious issues when couples with children separate in Alberta. Deciding what’s best for a child is never easy for any parent, especially when separation usually means that the child will live most of the time with one parent.
When a child resides primarily with one parent, the other parent who pays support is called the ‘payor’. The Child Support Guidelines list a base amount for child support depending upon the income of the ‘payor’ and the number of children involved.
Separation agreements are agreements that deal with the disentanglement of ties between two parties. A separation agreement may deal with all the issues that arise from the breakdown of the relationship, including custody and guardianship of the children, parenting arrangements, child support, spousal support, division of property and debt.
Cohabitation agreements and marriage agreements (which are also sometimes called prenuptial agreements) are domestic contracts that people use to protect their interests when entering into a spousal relationship.
A spousal support lawyer from Spectrum Family Lawyers can help you and your partner set proper expectations with support and resolve differences amicably rather than through litigation — even if you are not married.
Whether parties are married or cohabiting, a separation or divorce involves couples detaching their intertwined financial lives and separating their assets and debts.
Living with another person while in a relationship may give rise to legal rights and obligations, which must be dealt with upon the breakdown of the relationship. These legal issues are often similar to those experienced by married couples, but with important differences.

Spectrum Family Law Edmonton
Plaza 124
205, 10216—124 Street
Edmonton, Alberta T5N 4A3
8:30 a.m.—4:30 p.m.
Local: (780) 756-0076
Toll-Free: 1 (855) 892-0646
Edmonton Legal Info for You
Dive into our Edmonton legal guides for the latest news, family law insights, case wins, and other updates from the Spectrum team.